Cleaning the decanter
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Cleaning pearls
Clean decanters easily and without chemicals. Also suitable for carafes or other vessels with or without EISCH NO DROP EFFECT
With the EISCH CLEANINGPERLEN made of stainless steel can be used to clean glass vessels such as decanters or carafes in places that are difficult to reach with brushes or similar:
CLEANINGPour in the pearls, add a little water and swirl the container. Then pour into a sieve. The pearls can be reused after rinsing with water.
Decanter dryer
- Suitable for all standard decanters and decanting ducks
- Dries the carafe from the inside and thus prevents water stains
- Patented technology for decanter cleaning
- reaches every point in the decanter
- Extremely durable, absorbent and lint-free microfibre
Glass polishing cloth
Polish after using CLEANINGPEARLS and DECANTERTROCKNER your glass jar on the outside with the ICE GLASSESPOLISHING CLOTH for a brilliant shine completely without chemicals.